We arrived at dusk, got settled into our bhotel/b (there don't appear to be bhostels/b in Ypres) and then walked to the end of the city square to the Menin Gate where the last post is sounded each night at 8 p.m.. ... His poem describes a man caught in a gas attack, and then concludes by saying (paraphase here): if you could have seen that man, you might not be so eager to tell children the old lie of Dulce and Decorum Est Pro bPatria/b Mori (It is right and good to die for one's ...
(altare beyond bpatria/b) hotel of the fatherland. one of the most imposing monuments of the city, the monument dedicated to vittorio emanuele ii was built with the glory of first king d' italie, following his conquests to unify italy. ...
bPATRAI/b O MUERTE.""Fidel liberó a Cuba de su papel de Casino-Burdel de América. Si cometió errores, otros los cometieron, y mayores, pero él dió un futuro a su país, milagrosamente más allá del consumismo y la TV"b...../b que no intentaré convencer a Aitor ni a los otros amigos de dictadores, pero sí puedo decir que hace unos a?os coincidí en un congreso de medicina e Internet con un cubano, y nos pidió por favor que le diéramos los jaboncillos de la habitación del bhotel/b. b.../b